The Edit Menu

The Edit menu contains a host of commands, all to work with the currently active document.

Menu Entries

EditUndo (Ctrl+Z)

Undo the last editing command (typing, copying, cutting etc.)


If grouped undo is enabled, this may undo several editing commands of the same type, like typing in characters.

EditRedo (Ctrl+Shift+Z)

Redo the last undo step.

EditCut (Ctrl+X)

Removes selected text if any, and places a copy of the removed text in the clipboard.

EditCopy (Ctrl+C)

Copies selected text, if any, to the clipboard.

EditPaste (Ctrl+V)

Copies the first item in the clipboard into the editor at cursor position.


If Overwrite Selection is enabled, the pasted text will overwrite the selection, if any.

EditClipboard History

This submenu will display the beginning of portions of text recently copied to the clipboard. Select an item from this menu to paste it in the currently open file.

EditSelect All (Ctrl+A)

Selects all text in the editor.

EditDeselect (Ctrl+Shift+A)

Deselects the selected text in the editor if any.

EditBlock Selection Mode (Ctrl+Shift+B)

Toggles Selection Mode. When the Selection Mode is BLOCK, you can make vertical selections, e.g. select column 5 to 10 in lines 9 to 15.

The status bar shows the current state of the Selection Mode, either LINE or BLOCK.

EditVI input Mode (Meta+Ctrl+V)

Switch to a vi-like, modal editing mode. This mode supports the most used commands and motions from vim's normal and visual mode and has an optional vi mode statusbar. This status bar shows commands while they are being entered, output from commands and the current mode.The behavior of this mode can be configured in the Vi Input Mode section of the Editing page in Kate's settings dialog.

EditOverwrite Mode (Ins)

Toggles the Insert/Overwrite modes. When the mode is INS, you insert characters where the cursor is. When the mode is OVR, writing characters will replace the current characters if your cursor is positioned before any character. The status bar shows the current state of the Overwrite Mode, either INS or OVR.

EditFind... (Ctrl+F)

Launch the incremental search bar to allow you to search for text in the edited document.

EditFind VariantsFind Next (F3)

Go to the nearest downwards match of the last text or regular expression searched for, starting from cursor position

EditFind VariantsFind Previous (Shift+F3)

Go to the nearest upwards match of the last text or regular expression searched for, starting from cursor position

EditFind VariantsFind Selected (Ctrl+H)

Finds next occurrence of selected text.

EditFind VariantsFind Selected Backwards (Ctrl+Shift+H)

Finds previous occurrence of selected text.

EditReplace... (Ctrl+R)

Launch the power search and replace bar to replace one or more instances of a defined text with something else.

EditGo to Line... (Ctrl+G)

Launches the Go To Line bar, allowing you to enter the number of a line to find in the document