Source code for kate.gui

# This file is part of Pate, Kate' Python scripting plugin.
# Copyright (C) 2006 Paul Giannaros <>
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) version 3.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
# along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB.  If not, write to
# the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor,
# Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

''' Useful widgets '''

from PyQt4.QtCore import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *

def loadIcon(iconName):
    # overwrite this with your own icon loading function
    # in your project. 
    return QPixmap(iconName)

[docs]def setBackgroundColor(widget, color): ''' Utility function to set the background color of a QWidget ''' p = widget.palette() p.setColor(QPalette.Active, QPalette.Window, color) p.setColor(QPalette.Inactive, QPalette.Window, color) widget.setPalette(p) widget.setAutoFillBackground(True)
[docs]class FunctionIntervalTimer(QTimer): def __init__(self, parent, interval, func, *args): QTimer.__init__(self, parent) self.func = func self.args = args self.connect(self, SIGNAL('timeout()'), self.timeOut) self.start(interval)
[docs] def timeOut(self): self.func(*self.args)
[docs] def stop(self): QTimer.stop(self) self.deleteLater()
[docs]def slideInFromBottomRight(widget, step=5, interval=20, offsetRight=0, offsetBottom=0): parent = widget.parent() x = parent.width() - (widget.width() + offsetRight) # shpeed widget.move(x, parent.height()) originalHeight = widget.height() widget.setFixedHeight(0) def slideInFromBottomLeftInner(): if (widget.height() + step) > originalHeight: slideInTimer.stop() widget.setFixedHeight(originalHeight) widget.move(x, parent.height() - originalHeight - offsetBottom) try: widget.effectFinished('slideInFromBottomLeft') except AttributeError: pass else: widget.setFixedHeight(widget.height() + step) widget.move(x, parent.height() - widget.height() - offsetBottom) #timer(widget, interval, slideInFromBottomLeftInner) slideInTimer = FunctionIntervalTimer(widget, interval, slideInFromBottomLeftInner)
[docs]def slideOutFromBottomRight(widget, step=5, interval=20, offsetRight=0, offsetBottom=0): parent = widget.parent() x = parent.width() - (widget.width() + offsetRight) # shpeed originalHeight = widget.height() widget.move(x, parent.height() - originalHeight - offsetBottom) def slideOutFromBottomLeftInner(): if (widget.height() - step) < 0: slideOutTimer.stop() widget.setFixedHeight(0) widget.move(x, parent.height() - offsetBottom) try: widget.effectFinished('slideOutFromBottomLeft') except AttributeError: pass else: widget.setFixedHeight(widget.height() - step) widget.move(x, parent.height() - widget.height() - offsetBottom) slideOutTimer = FunctionIntervalTimer(widget, interval, slideOutFromBottomLeftInner)
[docs]class VerticalProgressWidget(QFrame): Brush = QBrush(QColor(200, 210, 240)) def __init__(self, parent): QFrame.__init__(self, parent) self.setFixedWidth(10) setBackgroundColor(self, Qt.white) palette = self.palette() palette.setColor(QPalette.Foreground, QColor(180, 180, 180)) self.setPalette(palette) self.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Box | QFrame.Plain) self.percent = 100 self.oldHeight = self.height()
[docs] def paintEvent(self, e): painter = QPainter() painter.begin(self) self_height = self.height() self_width = self.width() height = int(self_height * (self.percent / 100.0)) # painter.fillRect(0, 0, self_width, self_height, QColor(255, 255, 255 painter.fillRect(0, self_height - height, self_width, height, self.Brush) self.oldHeight = height painter.end() QFrame.paintEvent(self, e)
[docs] def increasedDrawnPercentage(self, p): return int(self.height() * p / 100.0) > self.oldPercent
[docs] def decreaseDrawnPercentage(self, p): return int(self.height() * p / 100.0) < self.oldHeight
[docs]class PassivePopupLabel(QLabel): def __init__(self, parent, message, maxTextWidth=None, minTextWidth=None): QLabel.__init__(self, parent) # if '<' in message and '>' in message: # self.setTextFormat(Qt.RichText) self.setTextInteractionFlags(Qt.TextSelectableByMouse | Qt.LinksAccessibleByMouse) if maxTextWidth is not None: self.setMaximumWidth(maxTextWidth) if minTextWidth is not None: self.setMinimumWidth(minTextWidth) self.setWordWrap(True) self.setText(message)
[docs]class TimeoutPassivePopup(QFrame): popups = {} def __init__(self, parent, message, timeout=5, icon=None, maxTextWidth=200, minTextWidth=None): QFrame.__init__(self, parent) setBackgroundColor(self, QColor(255, 255, 255, 200)) palette = self.palette() originalWindowText = palette.color(QPalette.WindowText) # why does the style use WindowText!? palette.setColor(QPalette.WindowText, QColor(80, 80, 80)) self.setPalette(palette) self.setFrameStyle(QFrame.Plain | QFrame.Box) self.timeout = timeout self.progress = 0 self.interval = None self.hasMouseOver = False self.timer = QTimer(self) self.connect(self.timer, SIGNAL('timeout()'), self.updateProgress) layout = QVBoxLayout(self) layout.setMargin(self.frameWidth() + 7) layout.setSpacing(0) grid = QGridLayout() grid.setMargin(4) grid.setSpacing(5) self.message = PassivePopupLabel(self, message, maxTextWidth, minTextWidth) self.message.palette().setColor(QPalette.WindowText, originalWindowText) self.icon = QLabel(self) self.icon.setAlignment(Qt.AlignHCenter | Qt.AlignTop) self.timerWidget = VerticalProgressWidget(self) if icon is not None: pixmap = loadIcon(icon) self.icon.setPixmap(pixmap) self.icon.setMargin(3) grid.addWidget(self.timerWidget, 0, 0) grid.addWidget(self.icon, 0, 1) grid.addWidget(self.message, 0, 2, Qt.AlignVCenter) layout.addLayout(grid, 1) # start further up if there is another popup self.stackList = TimeoutPassivePopup.popups.setdefault(parent, []) self.stackHeight = len(self.stackList) # resize according to the layout self.adjustSize() self.originalHeight = self.height() self.offsetBottom = 0 self.move(0, 0)
[docs] def updateProgress(self): if self.progress >= 100: self.timer.stop() self.hide() else: # if drawing at this percentage won't cause a visible difference to the widget, then don't draw if self.timerWidget.decreaseDrawnPercentage(100 - self.progress): self.timerWidget.percent = (100 - self.progress) #print self.timerWidget.percent self.timerWidget.repaint() self.progress += 1
[docs] def enterEvent(self, e): self.hasMouseOver = True self.timer.stop()
[docs] def leaveEvent(self, e): self.hasMouseOver = False if self.interval is not None: self.timer.start(self.interval)
[docs] def effectFinished(self, name): if name == 'slideInFromBottomLeft': # kickstart timeout interval = int(self.timeout * 1000) / 100 self.interval = interval if not self.hasMouseOver: self.timer.start(interval) elif name == 'slideOutFromBottomLeft': self.stackList.remove(self) self.deleteLater()
[docs] def show(self): if self.stackList: maxOffsetBottomWidget = self.stackList[0] for x in self.stackList[1:]: if x.offsetBottom > maxOffsetBottomWidget.offsetBottom: maxOffsetBottomWidget = x self.offsetBottom = maxOffsetBottomWidget.originalHeight + maxOffsetBottomWidget.offsetBottom + 2 else: self.offsetBottom = 0 self.stackList.append(self) slideInFromBottomRight(self, offsetRight=21, offsetBottom=self.offsetBottom)
[docs] def hide(self): slideOutFromBottomRight(self, offsetRight=21, offsetBottom=self.offsetBottom)