Source code for libkatepate.autocomplete

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 by Pablo Martín <>
# This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this software.  If not, see <>.

# This code originally was in this repository:
# <>
# Thanks to Jeroen van Veen <> for the help

import inspect
import os

from PyKDE4.kdecore import i18n
from PyKDE4.kdeui import KIcon
from PyKDE4.ktexteditor import KTextEditor

from PyQt4.QtCore import QModelIndex, QSize, Qt

    import simplejson as json
except ImportError:
    import json

CCM = KTextEditor.CodeCompletionModel

[docs]class AbstractCodeCompletionModel(CCM):
[docs] class GroupPosition: BEST_MATCHES = 1 LOCAL_SCOPE = 100 PUBLIC = 200 PROTECTED = 300 PRIVATE = 400 NAMESPACE = 500 GLOBAL = 600
TITLE_AUTOCOMPLETION = i18n('Autopate') MIMETYPES = [] OPERATORS = [] SEPARATOR = '.' MAX_DESCRIPTION = 80 GROUP_POSITION = GroupPosition.BEST_MATCHES # NOTE Allow to derived classes to override categories set, # as well as its mapping to an icon CATEGORY_2_ICON = { 'package': 'code-block', 'module': 'code-context', 'unknown': None, 'constant': 'code-variable', 'class': 'code-class', 'function': 'code-function', 'pointer': 'unknown' } def __init__(self, model, resultList=None): self.model = model super(AbstractCodeCompletionModel, self).__init__(model) self.resultList = [] @classmethod
[docs] def createItemAutoComplete(cls, text, category='unknown', args=None, description=None): # TODO Add `prefix` parameter if description and 0 < cls.MAX_DESCRIPTION and len(description) > cls.MAX_DESCRIPTION: description = description.strip() description = description[:cls.MAX_DESCRIPTION] + '...' return { 'text': text, 'icon': cls.CATEGORY_2_ICON[category] if category in cls.CATEGORY_2_ICON else None, 'category': category, 'args': args or '', 'type': category, 'description': description or '' }
[docs] def completionInvoked(self, view, word, invocationType): line_start = word.start().line() line_end = word.end().line() column_end = word.end().column() self.resultList = [] self.invocationType = invocationType if line_start != line_end: return None mimetype = view.document().mimeType() if not mimetype in self.MIMETYPES: return None doc = view.document() line = doc.line(line_start) if not line: return line return self.parseLine(line, column_end)
[docs] def data(self, index, role): # Check if 'gorup' node requested if not index.parent().isValid(): # Yep, return title and some other gorup props if role == CCM.InheritanceDepth: return self.GROUP_POSITION # ATTENTION TODO NOTE # Due this BUG ( # we can't use CCM.GroupRole, so hardcoded value 47 is here! if role == 47: return Qt.DisplayRole if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return self.TITLE_AUTOCOMPLETION # Return 'invalid' for other roles return None # Leaf item props are requested item = self.resultList[index.row()] if index.column() == CCM.Name: if role == Qt.DisplayRole: return item['text'] if role == CCM.CompletionRole: return CCM.GlobalScope if role == CCM.ScopeIndex: return -1 # Return 'invalid' for other roles pass elif index.column() == CCM.Icon: if role == Qt.DecorationRole: # Show icon only if specified by a completer! if 'icon' in item and item['icon'] is not None: return KIcon(item['icon']).pixmap(QSize(16, 16)) pass elif index.column() == CCM.Arguments: item_args = item.get('args', None) if role == Qt.DisplayRole and item_args: return item_args elif index.column() == CCM.Postfix: item_description = item.get('description', None) if role == Qt.DisplayRole and item_description: return item_description elif index.column() == CCM.Prefix: # TODO Handle a `prefix` pass return None
[docs] def parent(self, index): if index.internalId(): return self.createIndex(0, 0, 0) else: return QModelIndex()
[docs] def rowCount(self, parent): lenResultList = len(self.resultList) if not parent.isValid() and lenResultList: return 1 elif parent.parent().isValid(): return 0 # Do not make the model look hierarchical else: return lenResultList #
[docs] def index(self, row, column, parent): if not parent.isValid(): if row == 0: return self.createIndex(row, column, 0) else: return QModelIndex() elif parent.parent().isValid(): return QModelIndex() if row < 0 or row >= len(self.resultList) or column < 0 or column >= CCM.ColumnCount: return QModelIndex() return self.createIndex(row, column, 1)
[docs] def executeCompletionItem(self, document, word, row): # TODO Why this method is not called??? pass
[docs] def getLastExpression(self, line, operators=None): operators = operators or self.OPERATORS opmax = max(operators, key=lambda e: line.rfind(e)) opmax_index = line.rfind(opmax) if line.find(opmax) != -1: line = line[opmax_index + 1:] return line.strip()
[docs] def parseLine(self, line, col_num): return line[:col_num].lstrip()
[docs]class AbstractJSONFileCodeCompletionModel(AbstractCodeCompletionModel): FILE_PATH = None def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(AbstractJSONFileCodeCompletionModel, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) class_path = inspect.getfile(self.__class__) class_dir = os.sep.join(class_path.split(os.sep)[:-1]) abs_file_path = os.path.join(class_dir, self.FILE_PATH) json_str = open(abs_file_path).read() self.json = json.loads(json_str)
[docs] def getJSON(self, lastExpression, line): return self.json
[docs] def completionInvoked(self, view, word, invocationType): line = super(AbstractJSONFileCodeCompletionModel, self).completionInvoked(view, word, invocationType) if not line: return lastExpression = self.getLastExpression(line) children = self.getChildrenInJSON(lastExpression, self.getJSON(lastExpression, line)) if not children: return for child, attrs in children.items(): index = self.createItemAutoComplete(text=child, category=attrs.get('category', None), args=attrs.get('args', None), description=attrs.get('description', None)) if not index: continue self.resultList.append(index)
[docs] def getChildrenInJSON(self, keys, json): if not self.SEPARATOR in keys: return json keys_split = keys.split(self.SEPARATOR) if keys_split and keys_split[0] in json: keys = self.SEPARATOR.join(keys_split[1:]) return self.getChildrenInJSON(keys, json[keys_split[0]].get('children', None)) return None
[docs]def reset(*args, **kwargs): pass