Source code for libkatepate.errors

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2013 by Pablo Martín <>
# This software is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with this software.  If not, see <>.

# This core originally was in this repository:
# <>

import kate
import sys

from PyKDE4.kdecore import i18n
from PyKDE4.ktexteditor import KTextEditor

[docs]class PythonVersionException(Exception): pass
[docs]def needs_python_version(major, minor=None, micro=None, text=''): if major != sys.version_info.major: raise PythonVersionException(text) elif minor and minor != sys.version_info.minor: raise PythonVersionException(text) elif micro and micro != sys.version_info.micro: raise PythonVersionException(text)
[docs]def needs_packages(packages): msg = i18n("You need install the following packages:\n") import_error = False for package, version in packages.items(): try: __import__(package) except ImportError: import_error = True if '==' in version: package = version.split('==')[0] version = version.split('==')[1] msg += i18n("\t%1. Use easy_install (or pip install) %1==%2", package, version) if import_error: raise ImportError(msg)
[docs]def clearMarksOfError(doc, mark_iface): for line in range(doc.lines()): if mark_iface.mark(line) == mark_iface.Error: mark_iface.removeMark(line, mark_iface.Error)
[docs]def hideOldPopUps(): mainWindow = kate.mainWindow() popups = kate.gui.TimeoutPassivePopup.popups.get(mainWindow, []) or [] for popup in popups: popup.timer.stop() popup.hide() popup.setFixedHeight(0) popup.adjustSize() popup.originalHeight = popup.height() popup.offsetBottom = 0 popup.move(0, 0)
[docs]def showErrors(message, errors, key_mark, doc, time=10, icon='dialog-warning', key_line='line', key_column='column', max_errors=3, show_popup=True, move_cursor=False): mark_iface = doc.markInterface() messages = {} view = kate.activeView() pos = view.cursorPosition() current_line = pos.line() + 1 current_column = pos.column() + 1 for error in errors: header = False line = error[key_line] column = error.get(key_column, 0) pos = _compress_key(line, column) if not messages.get(line, None): header = True messages[pos] = [] error_message = _generateErrorMessage(error, key_line, key_column, header) messages[pos].append(error_message) mark_iface.setMark(line - 1, mark_iface.Error) messages_items = list(messages.items()) # Python 3 compatible messages_items.sort() if move_cursor: first_error, messages_show = _getErrorMessagesOrder(messages_items, max_errors, current_line, current_column) line_to_move, column_to_move = _uncompress_key(messages_items[first_error][0]) _moveCursorTFirstError(line_to_move, column_to_move) else: first_error, messages_show = _getErrorMessagesOrder(messages_items, max_errors) if show_popup: message = '%s\n%s' % (message, '\n'.join(messages_show)) if len(messages_show) < len(errors): message += i18n('\n\nAnd other errors') showError(message, time, icon, minTextWidth=300)
[docs]def showError(message="error", time=10, icon="dialog-warning", minTextWidth=300): kate.gui.popup(message, time, icon, minTextWidth=300)
[docs]def showOk(message="Ok", time=3, icon='dialog-ok'): kate.gui.popup(message, time, icon='dialog-ok', minTextWidth=200)
def _compress_key(line, column): doc = kate.activeDocument() cipher = len('%s' % doc.lines()) key_template = '%%%sd' % cipher key_template += '__%3d' return key_template % (line, column) def _uncompress_key(key): line, column = key.split('__') return (int(line), int(column)) def _generateErrorMessage(error, key_line='line', key_column='column', header=True): message = '' exclude_keys = [key_line, key_column, 'filename'] line = error[key_line] column = error.get(key_column, None) if header or column: column = error.get(key_column, None) if column: message = i18n('~*~ Position: (%1, %2)', line, column) else: message = i18n('~*~ Line: %1', line) message += ' ~*~' for key, value in error.items(): if value and key not in exclude_keys: if key != 'message': message = '%s\n * %s: %s' % (message, key, value) else: message = '%s\n %s' % (message, value) return message def _getErrorMessagesOrder(messages_items, max_errors, current_line=None, current_column=None): messages_order = [] first_error = None num_messages = 0 if not current_line: for line, message in messages_items: messages_order.extend(message) num_messages += 1 if num_messages >= max_errors: break return (0, messages_order) for i, error in enumerate(messages_items): line, column = _uncompress_key(error[0]) message = error[1] if line > current_line or (line == current_line and column > current_column): if first_error is None: first_error = i num_messages += 1 messages_order.extend(message) if num_messages >= max_errors: break if len(messages_order) == max_errors: return (first_error, messages_order) for i, error in enumerate(messages_items): line, column = _uncompress_key(error[0]) message = error[1] if line <= current_line: if first_error is None: first_error = i num_messages += 1 messages_order.extend(message) else: break if num_messages >= max_errors: break return (first_error, messages_order) def _moveCursorTFirstError(line, column=None): try: column = column or 0 cursor = KTextEditor.Cursor(line - 1, column - 1) view = kate.activeView() view.setCursorPosition(cursor) except KeyError: pass